
Does My Child with Autism Have Sensory Processing Disorder?

Parenting an autistic child means endless questions, like “Is this autism, or is this developmental?” One thing many parents find themselves questioning is whether their child’s sensory sensitivities are a typical aspect of autism, or signs of SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). Sensory Processing Disorder is characterized by the brain’s difficulty in handling sensory input. This […] Read more »

How to Build Self-Advocacy Skills in Your Autistic Child

As our children grow, so much time is spent focused on their education, wondering if they will have satisfactory employment and if they will be able to live on their own. Yet, the ability to self-advocate is what most determines the quality of a person’s life.  Self-advocacy is the ability for someone to understand and […] Read more »

A Review of AAC Devices and Who They Can Help

Most parents will never know the difficulty of trying to communicate with a child who struggles to speak. If you have a non-speaking or primarily non-speaking child, you are all too familiar with the endless desire to simply understand what your child wants at any given moment. As a parent navigating the complexities of raising […] Read more »

How to Create a Care Map for Your Child with Autism

Between therapies, groups, and specialists, when you have a child on the autism spectrum, you probably feel as if your schedule is always booked solid. Beyond that, keeping up with all of this, and making the most of your resources, is a feat all on its own. A care map is a visual tool that […] Read more »

How To Prepare a Child with Autism for a Birthday Party

If your child with autism has received an invitation to a birthday party, you likely have mixed feelings: excitement they were included in the festivities, and dread of all the possibilities this unpredictable event might hold. For a child with autism, attending a birthday party can be both exciting and overwhelming due to the sensory […] Read more »

4 Tips for Holiday Gatherings for Children with Autism

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. It is also a time of crowds, bright lights, loud music, and rushed activities. For children with autism, this presents a unique set of challenges due to sensory sensitivities, changes in routine, and social expectations. Preparing for and navigating through holiday gatherings requires a […] Read more »
What is Stimming: 5 Reasons Children with Autism Stim

What is Stimming: 5 Reasons Children with Autism Stim 

What is stimming? Everybody stims! Think pen-tapping, humming while you wait, or twirling hair. “Stimming”, or self-stimulation, is a way to regulate emotions or even entertain yourself for a moment. For those on the autism spectrum, stimming is usually more pronounced and is even part of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD (autism spectrum disorder). […] Read more »
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Washington State Health Insurance and Autism Spectrum Disorder

In the early days of an autism diagnosis, many parents are instantly told to speak with their insurance, find out what is covered, and obtain a list of covered providers. Like with any other disability or medical need, what insurance covers tends to vary between states and between plans.  Read more »

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